The Quiet Killer Stalking Our Roads – Drowsy Driving

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Marshall L. Doney President and CEO | AAA, FL



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A new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has shed light on the dangers of drowsy driving, revealing that the impact of this behavior is greatly underestimated. The research points to sleep loss as a significant factor in drowsy driving crashes, with the upcoming Daylight Saving Time potentially exacerbating the issue.

According to the AAA Foundation's study, drowsy driving is responsible for far more traffic fatalities than official government statistics indicate. The study, based on crash investigations and national fatal crash data, estimates that drowsy driving plays a role in about ten times as many traffic deaths as previously reported.

Drowsiness impairs drivers in various ways, including reduced alertness, impaired judgment, hazardous microsleeps, and a self-perception of drowsiness. The risks associated with drowsy driving are comparable to those of driving under the influence, with even just one hour less than the recommended seven hours of sleep increasing the likelihood of a crash.

To mitigate the risks of drowsy driving, the AAA Foundation recommends getting enough sleep before driving, traveling when you are typically awake, taking regular breaks, avoiding heavy meals, alcohol, and drugs, and listening to your body's signals. The organization also advocates for the development of vehicle technology that can detect and prevent drowsy driving.

In line with these recommendations, AAA advises drivers to prioritize their safety on the road by adopting preventive measures to combat drowsiness. By following these guidelines and being vigilant about the dangers of drowsy driving, motorists can contribute to reducing the number of preventable accidents caused by this silent threat.

For more information on the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and their research initiatives, visit their website.



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